Idaho QSo Party, idaho amateur operating event, IDqp, idaho qso party rules, idaho qso party logs, idaho qso party information. Idaho QSO Party Home Page , QSO Party winners , State amateur radio contest, state QSO Party 

Welcome to the Idaho QSO Party - - - Home Page
Held every year on the second full weekend of March.


  2024 Results

Again, Thanks for being a part of the IDQP  !!! 


73 until next year.


To print your certificate, go to


Idaho Stations, check out the Needed Counties - Bonus  Button



Log Submission
Idaho County List and Map
Possible Logging Software
Loging errors due to DST

Daylight Savings Time kicks in
early Sunday morning,
see Logging error button above .
This is especially true for Idaho Stations
The IDQP is a 24 hour event.


Questions ??
Click here to send us an email
or send to


Needed Counties - Bonus

Sending a SPOT

First time IDAHO contesters Help

A message for Idaho Stations


The IDQP is sponsored by
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club - Twin Falls

2024 Results
2023 Results
2022 Results
2021 Results
2020 Results
Score Archive