Possible logging software 

IDQP logging possible errors
This year some of the IDQP rules have changed,   these  software packages probably HAVE NOT been updated to accommodate these changes !

FIRST,  This will only effect what your computer thinks your score is.   NO PROBLEM,  for the IDQP we don't use that info anyway,   we
feed your Log into our software to compute your score.  It doesn't mater what your computer thinks,  WE WILL take care of your score. Things like Bonus station points, etc.
SO,  there is really no reason to worry.   Just send in your logs, we will take care of scoring ...  
as the  song from the 60's says,,,    """don't worry, be happy"""            Or as Rod Serling said   'we are in charge of the horizontal and vertical"  HI HI

Here is a list (a short list) of logging programs that apparently support the IDQP ?.
The sponsors of the IDQP are not underwriting or recommend anything, these
suggestions are made on a  "use at your own risk" basis.  


N1MM  work for both in and out of state stations. This is a great contest logging program, and its totally FREE.   
It's  little confusing to set up for the correct contest.. (see below for help)
If your having trouble setting it up,  and you can't find any local hams that know how,   call me at 208 251 6441  KØIP    (please, I can't help during the contest, set this up in
advance, TEST it in advance too)
5 minutes on the phone is worth 2 days trying to email/text  info back and forth.. I will be glad to help on the phone. 208 251 6441

this is a GREAT program.     https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/   Then select Downloads  then Program files,  and if this is your first load  select Full Install     
then without running the program , get the latest version and install it, ... Downloads>Program Files>Latest Update Files

Once you've complete these two tasks, start the program ...   you need to put your station info in, like your name ,  section  etc..THEN

up at the top,  FILE  pick New Log In Database     then  QSO Party        then a bit down to the right pick Idaho    (probably 7QP  is preloaded,   THAT'S NOT what you want,  go down to Idaho)
the software knew I was an in-state station  and ask me several more questions  ,,   Like my county  

I presume out-of-state folks with be prompted  as out of state ???


ROVERS, This software DOES work for roving,  working on county lines and the like ..
you should experiment with it before the contest, to insure you know how it logs, how to change
counties, etc,,  


N3FJP State QSO Party modules DO support the IDQP.  In and Out of state.  
you can download it and try it
free for the first 30 QSO's,  NOTE: get the state QSO party program, NOT the main N3FJP AC logger.. 
TO open it up for more than 30 QSO's it costs $8.99, follow the instructions at the download page.

For out of state participants
This is a great offer as only about 5% of the submitted logs have  more than 30 QSO's  
Just remember it
stops working at 30 QSO's.

For in state stations,  you will run through the 30 free QSO's in a hurry,  you will need to pay to open it up.. $8.99 
You need to do this before the contest, registration  isn't instantaneous/automated...
  so give it a try.             http://www.n3fjp.com/stateqsoparty.html        

Several comments about N3FJP:  for out of state people it shows "on the screen" all the Idaho Counties, maybe making it 'bit' easier to log counties.
its simple to use, and  generates  the correct  log file,, (CABRILLO)

ROVERS, This software DOES work for roving,   working on county lines and the like .. Its easy to use.
webmaster comment:
I experimented with this software, one thing you need to be aware of is
MAKING SURE to DELETE the county you left,     lets say   you are on county lines   A and B, 
so A and B  are in the County Line Multiplier List  BOX,     NOW say you move to B and C
 you go to 'change county" at the top and enter county C and press enter,  read the instructions in the BOX

now  A , B and C are in the BOX,, you need to click on A to remove it,  otherwise it logs for those three counties,  totally messing up your log.
make sure only the counties you are operating from are shown in the BOX  ..    Experiment with it , it will relieve a lot
of headaches later..   hopefully my explanation made some sense ??


to down load this go to  http://www.dxlog.net/sw/   then download DXLog.net-2.6.11.msi     or the latest MSI file on that page,
install it,   and of course windows kicked up a fuss,  I installed it anyway..
to start,  click FILE  New, select Idaho QSO Party ,  fill in the blanks  like your exchange, this will determine IN or OUT of state.
DX Log is one of these loging packages that can be 'simple' or "complex",  looks like a nice Logger, but you need to play with it to figure all the  ''ins and outs''
there is an extensive online instruction manual, just look for DOCUMENTATION
I didn't spend much time trying to figure out if this software will work for rover stations,   as in two counties  at one time,  again I didn't dig into it.  its free !


FYI: most logging software will NOT accept invalid entries,

especially true for the county input field,    SAME is true for the State abbreviations
For valid Idaho county abbreviations  Idaho County List and Map   And for States    Click me    


Please note: most software wants an RST,  the IDQP doesn't care about RST, 
SO,,  Just enter anything you like, , It will not be used for your score.

There maybe other logging programs out there that may work,  but trying to test all of these  is a bit difficult.
However,  we know the 3 programs listed above work !  and generate the required Cabrillo log file.

Speaking of Logs,,  even if you only work one station,  Please send in your logs,