mr spudzy says

get ready ,, lets kick some serious .-  ...  ...  
you know what we want to kick  HI HI

Idaho lets do it ,, !!!!!!!!!!






Idaho Stations                                        RTTY    CW   SSB  

Hello Idaho,    as you all know we are a rare commodity     !

the IDQP Spud Run committee invite everyone in Idaho to turn on those radios, and work a few,  or go mobile and activate some counties

IF you have any influence with your local club web/email person,   ask them to  send an email ASAP to your
fellow club members and post this web as an activity,,     make sure you tell your friends ,,, 

Every Idaho  station on the air helps make this event a success  , the more the merrier.

WE are the DX ,   for newer hams, contests can be daunting ,   and many say contests are a waste of time,
Daunting MAYBE,  a waste   not really..       here's a "new guys" guide to contesting , its easy and you will be surprised what your 100 watts can do
  First time IDAHO contesters Help

For big time contesters  The big guns !! the IDQP may seem like a ""speck"" on the wall. not worth the bother ???
But why not get into the game in a BIG WAY.  invite some friends over and make it a party,  working 1000+ stations is easy.
I know you all love a pile up,,  so why not turn on the amp,,,,    point the beam east,,,,  and generate some
bedlam !  

PLEASE go to the rules page, see where you fit in,   get some logging software loaded  (preferably N1MM)  
Using a computer logger makes it easier,  YES much easier.. Especially 
SENDING  YOUR LOG  to Those guys in Twin Falls

There are three possibilities for Loggers,  the IDQP  is not associated with either N3FJP or N1MM or DXLog.
read below, but go to the  software page for more info    .. there maybe other software just as good ???


SPOTTING YOURSELF IS FINE.. especially QRP and low power..  ASK for spots or do-it-yourself ..  its all fair game
See the Spotting page Sending a SPOT

If all else fails,  call me     john k0ip 208 251 6441
Don't wait to the last minute, get ready now, especially  getting your software 'tuned up' ,, check your amp too.


NOW most important, if  your using a logger, and I hope you do, after the contest,  send your log to the boys in Twin Falls ,    LOGS
and THANKS for joining the fun and supporting IDAHO.

QSY back to the Idaho QSO Party Home Page

